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The Forest Bor | Czech republic


Case No. 5 | Les Bor u Českých Budějovic (2013)


One of the most haunted forests of our homeland is covered with so many stories that it would be enough for a whole book. We have gone into its bowels and here we bring you our testimony of the whole process of this research. 


Paranormal Investigation No.12 - Forest Bor (2015)


The Paranormal tým z.s. conducted one of the most comprehensive investigations of the paranormal phenomena in the Bor forest in 2015. You can find out what was accomplished and what is the preview of the facts about paranormal activity in the Bor forest in this article. The article even includes updates to information we provided in the documentary film trilogy, but managed to flesh out further.


Forest Bor - real history through the eyes of periodicals, part 3 (1901-1914)


The third part of the article on the objective history of the Bor forest takes us back to the beginning of the twentieth century. What interesting things happened in the famous forest then that ended up in the contemporary press? Let's take a look at them together with Mr. Jaromír Jindra.


Forest Bor - real history through the eyes of periodicals, part 2 (1876-1900)


Continuation of the article about the objective history of the forest Bor near České Budějovice and Branišov. This time from the period: 1876-1900.


Forest Bor - real history through the eyes of periodicals, part 1 (1865-1875)


Much has been said about the Bor forest in myths. Thanks to the work of Mr. Jaromír Jindra, let us now take a look at its real - objective history. What does it tell us about the Bor forest? We start in 1865 and in three articles we will go up to 1914.