Paranormal Investigation
Case No. 13 | Josefov Barracks (2015)
One of the latest researches in 2015 brought us a very important finding in the field of paranormal research. Find out what it is in this article...
Case No. 11 | Vimperk Castle (2014)
The last paranormal research in 2014 took us to Vimperk Castle.
Case No. 10 | Modlivý Mine (2014)
The investigation of paranormal phenomena in the Blue Mine took place from 16th to 17th September 2014. What difficulties did we face during the investigation? And what did we observe? Find out in this...
Case No. 9 | Velhartice Cemetery (2014)
Very interesting investigation of the paranormal. The cemetery and church in Velhartice has a very interesting and turbulent history. And it is also a place where you can actually encounter physical manifestations of paranormal activity. More in the article...
Case No. 8 | Landstejn Castle (2014)
Almost on the very border of Bohemia and Austria, the ruins of one of the largest castles of its time tower over the Komorník pond. The majestic and ancient Landštejn captivates travellers today just as it did many hundreds of years ago. And like many ancient monuments, it has its own ghosts. Will we be able to find proof of their existence on this June night? Join us for an all-night exploration of the ruins of Landstejn Castle...
Case No. 7 | Houska Castle (2014)
Second collaboration with V.T.P.J. and all-night objective research at the famous Houska Castle with FTV Prima.
Case No. 6 | Kobyliska shooting range (2014)
The first investigation of the new Paranormal Team of 2014. What did our visit to the capital city of Prague bring us, where this time we investigated paranormal phenomena at the site of nearly 540 executions during World War II? Read on...
Case No. 5 | Les Bor u Českých Budějovic (2013)
One of the most haunted forests of our homeland is covered with so many stories that it would be enough for a whole book. We have gone into its bowels and here we bring you our testimony of the whole process of this research.
Research No. 2 | Jewish Cemetery Č. Budějovice (2013)
Jews and České Budějovice used to be close to each other. Their spirit is still evident here, especially in the history. But what about the spirits in the local Jewish cemetery? Can we find any evidence there?